Sunday, February 17, 2008


wii downloads - download jazz music
Jazz music is considered a major American musical art style that was established around the beginning of the 20th century, mainly in African American communities and around New Orleans, gaining international popularity around 1920. After originating in New Orleans, jazz spread to the rest of the nation where its sounds caught on like wildfire.

New Orleans had a long history of being the regional music hub with many people from different nations such as Africa, Europe and Latin America contributing to New Orleans musical legacy.

Jazz music became popular from radio and underground clubs that influenced other parts of the world, spreading worldwide during the 1940’s when singers came together to start groups.

Jazz music is one of those styles of music that will never loose its popularity, with it sometimes being referred to as “American classical music”, mostly by jazz musicians. It was created by African American’s, produced from all different elements of the American lifestyle, which influenced this type of music. It’s said that jazz music started with the black slaves working in cotton fields and continued after work in bars to entertain themselves.

Duke Ellington once said, "To not know the history of jazz music is to miss much of its charm”.

Jazz music instruments were created from marching bands and dance band instruments with jazz ensembles, ranging from 2 to 20 players, whilst ranging in style, size and instrumentation. It had many different styles, such as Bop, Traditional, Swing, Dixieland and Latin influences of jazz.

Jazz music is two rhythms which are played against each other and this is where jazz gets its swing, making listeners want to tap their feet or dance. By the Swing Era, jazz was America's most popular musical type.

In this day and age of technology, you can now take your music wherever you go by downloading jazz music from the internet so that you can listen to it all day long no matter where you are.
wii downloads - to download jazz music: GO HERE

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